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Monday, November 21, 2011

ASEAN Economic Blowing Recovery Warm Air

Closer look at Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and other country's economy, giving people the feeling is full of vigor and vitality. Indonesia since the Asian financial crisis of 1997 triggered by the political and social upheaval, and after 10 years of reflection, adjustment and reform, emergence of stable social and economic situation of gradual development; Since 2003, Malaysia in the "civilian politics" to adjust gradually entered a new development path; Cambodia in recent years, the economic and social development successes.

In fact, more than the three countries, the ASEAN economic recovery in blowing warm air. An official with the words of the ASEAN Secretariat, the 2008 U.S. financial turmoil on Wall Street blew a severe impact on the ASEAN countries the general economic decline, but one year after the ASEAN economy bottoming out. In 2009, the average economic growth of ASEAN countries, 0.9%, Vietnam, Indonesia, the best performance, were up 5.3% and 4.5%. Singapore is a completely open economy, there will be 10% of the original estimate of negative growth, negative growth of only 2% of the results. Sustained due to political turmoil in Thailand, was a large drag on the economy, and finally fell only 1%. From the first quarter of 2010, the ASEAN economies to a strong rebound. It is estimated that this year's ASEAN economy is expected to grow by 6%, of which 13% -15% in Singapore, Indonesia, 6% -7%, Vietnam 6.5%, Malaysia 6%, 5% of Cambodia, Laos, 5%, 4% in Thailand, Myanmar 4 %.

In ASEAN, and now a popular general view that the ASEAN economy to bottom out quickly, mainly due to two factors: First, driven by strong economic recovery; Second, after the 1997 Asian financial crisis, ASEAN countries are on their own financial system has been adjusted to enhance regional cooperation, improve the ability to resist risks.

After World War II, Southeast Asia, there have been two major developments. Once in the last century 60's to 80's. The Japanese economy, led by the Asian "tigers." Singapore is one of them rely mainly on export-oriented, labor-intensive mode of development, a large number of solving the employment, and to promote economic growth. Singapore's success had a positive impact in Southeast Asia. The second time was in the 90s of last century. Southeast Asian countries follow the "Four Dragons", in chased each other in the emergence of the "four tigers", ie Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia. Southeast Asia was unprecedented flourishing scene.

Closer look at Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and other country's economy, giving people the feeling is full of vigor and vitality. Indonesia since the Asian financial crisis of 1997 triggered by the political and social upheaval, and after 10 years of reflection, adjustment and reform, emergence of stable social and economic situation of gradual development; Since 2003, Malaysia in the "civilian politics" to adjust gradually entered a new development path; Cambodia in recent years, the economic and social development successes.

In fact, more than the three countries, the ASEAN economic recovery in blowing warm air. An official with the words of the ASEAN Secretariat, the 2008 U.S. financial turmoil on Wall Street blew a severe impact on the ASEAN countries the general economic decline, but one year after the ASEAN economy bottoming out. In 2009, the average economic growth of ASEAN countries, 0.9%, Vietnam, Indonesia, the best performance, were up 5.3% and 4.5%. Singapore is a completely open economy, there will be 10% of the original estimate of negative growth, negative growth of only 2% of the results. Sustained due to political turmoil in Thailand, was a large drag on the economy, and finally fell only 1%. From the first quarter of 2010, the ASEAN economies to a strong rebound. It is estimated that this year's ASEAN economy is expected to grow by 6%, of which 13% -15% in Singapore, Indonesia, 6% -7%, Vietnam 6.5%, Malaysia 6%, 5% of Cambodia, Laos, 5%, 4% in Thailand, Myanmar 4 %.

In ASEAN, and now a popular general view that the ASEAN economy to bottom out quickly, mainly due to two factors: First, driven by strong economic recovery; Second, after the 1997 Asian financial crisis, ASEAN countries are on their own financial system has been adjusted to enhance regional cooperation, improve the ability to resist risks.

After World War II, Southeast Asia, there have been two major developments. Once in the last century 60's to 80's. The Japanese economy, led by the Asian "tigers." Singapore is one of them rely mainly on export-oriented, labor-intensive mode of development, a large number of solving the employment, and to promote economic growth. Singapore's success had a positive impact in Southeast Asia. The second time was in the 90s of last century. Southeast Asian countries follow the "Four Dragons", in chased each other in the emergence of the "four tigers", ie Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia. Southeast Asia was unprecedented flourishing scene.


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